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Guangzhou futures: there is still a possibility of a short-term correction, it is recommended to pay attention to low opportunities

Guangzhou futures: there is still a possibility of a short-term correction, it is recommended to pay attention to low opportunities


The Federal Reserve Board of governors interest rate cut eagle, the European Central Bank plans to cut interest rates twice, overseas geopolitical tensions, domestic policy continued to improve, many provinces and cities to implement the property market down payment, lower interest rates of the new policy, the domestic PMI data in May fell slightly month-on-month, the overall macro sentiment impact is more neutral. The operation capacity of electrolytic aluminum at the mine end continues to rise, Yunnan gradually completes the resumption of production, the new production capacity in Inner Mongolia gradually begins to be formally put into production in the near future, the import profit and loss window is closed, the overseas incoming material is limited, the high price of raw materials brings cost pressure to the processing of downstream enterprises, the aluminum rod processing fee is down, the production loss of sector enterprises is passive production reduction, the domestic inventory is stable, and the social inventory level is slightly increasing. Lun aluminum inventory to a small inventory, the spot market trading light to maintain the discount market.

At present, in the off-peak season conversion stage, multi-sector enterprise orders are falling slightly, it is expected that short-term aluminum prices are high, off-season consumption, if the inventory continues to accumulate, aluminum prices or a correction, the trend remains bullish premise, it is recommended to participate in much lower.
