walker die casting DVD review: 'Heathers'

by:Hanway     2019-08-26
walker die casting DVD review: \'Heathers\'
From the left, shannam Doherty, Kim Walker and Rinne Falk serve as three infidels and vinona Ryder as Verona.From the left, shannam Doherty, Kim Walker and Rinne Falk serve as three infidels and vinona Ryder as Verona.19 years after the release of version 1989, the "pagans" stood up as fans expected.At the time, a particularly shrewd young critic who wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle said the film had no distorted vision of reality, but an honest vision --"wide-Eyes, no face, no excuse.Twenty years later, "pagans" were so rich that they had vague but unambiguous similarities to several campus shootings that they could never make today.The deep black comedy tells the story of a high school girl (vinona Ryder) and a young rebel (Christian Slater, it was almost by chance that I had murdered some of the more annoying (and popular) friends.Screenwriter Daniel Waters went on to write some special bombs (Adventures of Ford Fairlane and Hudson Eagle) and a clever, unpopular action movie, however, his own slang, the pagan, is still his masterpiece.The film, directed by Michael Lehmann, is one of its ten-year iconic films.The new version comes with producer reviews and a second CD with two specials, including interviews with cast and crew.Alas, both of them are gone, and Kim Walker is the best Heather, Heather Chandler, who says the famous word, "What, have you had a brain tumor for breakfast?Ironically, Walker died of a brain tumor in 2001.year illness.(The picture is left: South Doherty, Lisa Falk, and Walker are heretic with Ryder.
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