using flat screen tvs outside? methods of protection - waterproof enclosure

by:Hanway     2019-09-05
using flat screen tvs outside? methods of protection  -  waterproof enclosure
For a while, the only place you can find the TV is in someone's front room or in a bar or bar.
Now, TV is being used in almost all places for various reasons;
From outdoor entertainment to digital advertising and signage.
Since the old cathode ray tube, the normal TV system has made great progress.
Most TVs now are either LCD (
LCD display)
More flat, lighter and cheaper.
However, despite technological advances, standard LCD or plasma televisions are not designed for external use.
The benefits of using TV outside are becoming more and more important.
Many bars, bars and clubs have found that more and more people are socializing outdoors due to non-smoking and warmer weather.
While outdoor digital signage is a very cost-effective marketing approach, implemented almost everywhere --
It includes schools, colleges, hospitals and retail.
However, the use of modern TV systems outdoors is not directly to put them outside and then power on.
TV is a sensitive electronic product, so any outdoor TV system needs to be protected whether it's entertainment or outdoor digital signage.
Protecting outdoor digital signage or outdoor TV is now a growing industry.
There are usually two solutions to protect external TV systems.
There are many outdoor TV manufacturers, including some large companies that now produce flat-screen TVs for outdoor use.
Thanks to the booming outdoor digital signage market, these waterproof and waterproof TVs have become commonplace.
The advantage of the outdoor TV system is that they can be installed without a waterproof housing or other waterproof housing.
However, there are shortcomings in this approach.
First of all, any unattended outdoor screen needs to be protected against accidental and intentional damage, which requires some kind of protective enclosure.
Another major drawback is the cost of this screen.
The average price of waterproof TV is many times that of the same indoor model
It is difficult for users to prove this.
The more comprehensive solution for outdoor LCD TV case is to use standard TV in outdoor TV case.
These plasma and LCD cases not only cost a fraction of the price of a waterproof TV (
Even if you attach the price of the standard screen)
They also provide protection against vandalism, accidental damage and theft.
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