the die is cast Julius Caesar: Rebellion and Civil War

by:Hanway     2019-08-25

Caesar returned to a Gaul in 53 BC from his invasion of Britain, which was considered calm, but was ripe for rebellion.While he was still crossing the Strait, his winter camp near Liege was attacked and subsequently destroyed by the local Eburones tribe led by Ambiorix.Soon afterwards, Nervii was inspired by the sight of the Romans being broken and beaten, and also rose in resistance, and if not for Caesar's timely intervention, it would destroy a Roman camp.He was forced to raise two more regiments and borrowed one from Pompeii.More bad news came, and when he learned that his beloved daughter, Julia, died in labor, you can imagine Caesar standing by himself sadly, but the sadness that Pompeii felt was as great, although the marriage was politically confirmed, he was still a loyal husband.
Caesar attacked more rebel tribes in the coming year.He managed to seize Nervii without his knowledge and force them to surrender.He then pushed his Legion north and attacked the ebulon, though having to say that he was more dependent on neighboring friendly tribes to fulfill his covenant for him.He directed them to destroy their race and name as punishment for their crimes.The friendly tribes slaughtered their neighbors without mercy, thus saving Caesar and his legion from blood on their hands.However, Ambiorix managed to escape but was never captured.Caesar managed to regain control of the situation, but there was clearly more work to be done.
At the same time, thousands of miles away at the Turkish sea of CarlyleHis longtime ally, Krauss, and his army, were annihilated by the Persian army.The death of Krauss, coupled with Julia's badly broken relationship between Caesar and Pompeii, can be said that the death of Krauss made it inevitable for the two Roman heavyweights to showdown.Nevertheless, both are eager to show that recent events have not changed things and both do business in the usual way.

When Caesar tried to regain control of GaulPompeo faced his own problems in Rome, and in fact the word question was understated;A better description may be anarchy.When a senator named Clodius is murdered, the spark is lit and you may remember that he is the lover of Pompeii.The main suspects are longtime rivals and Senator Milo.The initial spark showed a fierce battle between rival mob gangs outside Rome.During the funeral of clodius, widespread riots broke out, eventually burning the Senate, which were used as firewood for clodius cremation.
The Senate rushed to grant Pompeii the title of emergency power and dictator.By using his newly discovered authority, he helped restore order and saw Rome as a distant and turbulent province.As a result of the riots, the existing courts were simply unable to deal with the growing crisis, so Pompeii personally passed a bill on violence authorizing him to bring Milo to justice.He was tried, but the old friend Cicero failed to defend him and was therefore exiled.
The loss of Krauss and the crisis in Rome may have given Pompeii a sense of Prospect;This may be the only explanation for having his tribunal sponsor a law that allows Caesar to represent the consul in the absence of Rome, and the irregularities committed by Pompeii are enormous, in fact, it violated the constitution of Rome.Usually, if a general wants to run for a consul, he must put down the order and return to Rome as a citizen.However, Pompey quickly considered the implications of the law he passed and he quickly announced that any potential candidate would have to announce their intentions in Rome;He also took the time to extend his term in Spain for another five years.
Caesar also took steps to try to bridge the crumbling relationship by divorcing the new bride calpña and marrying Pompeii's daughter.Pompeo scoffed at the offer, but decided to marry the daughter of Caesar's arch-rival, Kathy Lius metterus Peus Sipio.Caesar responded to the move, was served by skenius courio as a tribune, and rejected any discussion related to the choice of his successor to direct Gaul

52 BC, most of the Gaul uprising, united behind a young charismatic man named Vercingetorix, whose name means victory in 100 battleshipHe is the leader of a tribe called Arverni, who lives in an area known today as Auvergne.Vercingetorix cleverly explained that by cutting off the Roman food supply, he could win without using too much violence.This strategy was a great success, and Caesar suffered a fiasco and humiliation in Gergovia.Finally, the Gaul demonstrated the ability to use the long-term strategy and finally won.When hearing the news of Caesar's failure, Aedui, previously aligned with Rome, decided to stand on the side of Vercingetorix and finally realized that the Romans did not care about the well-being of the tribes, but rather their own glory
Caesar was shaken, but not stirred up by the failure of gegovia, who, with a typical spirit of adventure and courage, hired a German cavalry unit to narrowly escape the ambush, and drive the Gaul back to the natural fortress of alesea.The majestic fortress stretches about 500 feet in the air and is well defended.Caesar knew that a full-scale attack was impossible, so he chose to surround it to starve Vercingetorix.He had his Legion build eight bases on the periphery, and laid an 11-mile defensive cordon, as well as digging the trenches ditch and setting up concealed trapping devices full of nails and iron.Later, he learned that a rescue force was on the way, so he hastily laid a 14-mile defensive cordon in the other direction.
The Gaul realized that they were surrounded and determined to execute the only strategy left to them-the attack.Although both sides were surrounded by the Gaul, Caesar repelled the attack after the attack and achieved an excellent victory.The German cavalry has played a huge role in attacking and harassing the Gaul from the rear.Caesar claimed in his comments that his number exceeded 5 to 1, but it is important to be skeptical about this claim.
Despite the victory in Alessia, the riots continued until the second year.The last battle took place in another mountain town called Uxellodunum, and Caesar successfully diverted the water supply, thus capturing the mountain city.After occupying the fortress, he ordered his men to cut down the right hand of all the captured men.It is clear that this rather terrible act is not in retaliation or malice, but in order to speed up the end of the rebellion.Caesar then implemented a relatively fair solution by allowing the Gaul to collect their own tribute and ordering their tribal institutions to remain intact.By the way, the Gaolu who he helped him during the uprising was named Julius.
The conquest of Gaul was achieved through a series of clever masquerades that allowed Caesar to play one tribe against the other.Ultimately, of course, the invasion and conquest of Gaul was for a simple reason that he wanted to improve his political and military reputation.He did not care at all about the welfare of the region, which he ruthlessly used to enrich himself.Like almost all the Romans, there is nothing lovely or romantic about the Gaul culture, and for them they are savage savages and should be conquered.
According to today's standards, Caesar's actions will undoubtedly list him as a war criminal;Even by contemporary standards, his crimes against humanity are enormous.After all, the Gaul did not pose a direct threat to Rome, but in just six years more than 60 Gaul tribes lost their independence and others were completely erased from the Earth.According to Plutarch, more than 6 million people lived within the Gaul border before the arrival of the Romans.In six years, millions have died and millions have been enslaved.Caesar exaggerated these figures, a fact that gave him a deep understanding of the great loss of life.Vercingetorix was captured and held for six years, purely for Caesar to pay tribute to him first before he was lifted.

In the century, he will stand with Hitler, Stalin, polport, Mao Zedong and Idi Amin to become the most evil man in history, however, shakespeare chose to make him immortal in the drama that is still respected and admired today.
Caesar vs.
When the Tribune Scribonius Curio moved to the Senate advising Caesar and Pompeii to lift their orders, the atmosphere in Rome became tense.It is not surprising that the Senate voted overwhelmingly for the bill.However, rather than simply accepting the vote and informing the two of the decision, Consul Claudius Marcellus worked in the Senate, as a result of the rumors confirming Caesar's departure from Gaul and beginning to move forward to Rome, he was in a state of hysteria and panic.Accompanied by two consular candidates in the second year, he approached Pompeii with a sword, put the sword in his hand, and gave him the Order of the two armies originally assigned to Caesar;Pompey is now accused of defending the city.
Over the next month, the Senate tried to negotiate a solution to avoid civil war, but Pompey simply and flatly rejected it all.

On January 4, the two courtrooms, Marcus Antonius, Mark Anthony and Cassius, forced the newly elected consul, Cornelius laolus Claus, to read a letter written by Caesar and he also noted that, although he is not in Rome, he has the right to represent the consul.He made a simple proposal to either allow him to keep his province until the end of the election, or both he and Pompeii should give up their committee at the same time;Any rejection can be dealt with in a simple alternative, which is the civil war against Pompeii.
The proposal in Caesar's letter should be put to the vote, but Lentulus refused to consider the matter and went on to declare Caesar as the enemy of the Republic, which Mark Anthony rejected.The Senate is now deadlocked and talks continue next week.

On January, Lentulus managed to persuade the Senate to pass the last decree of the Senate, essentially an instruction to ensure that the Republic would not be harmed, in other words, they issued an ultimatum to Caesar.The two courts loyal to Caesar had no choice but to pretend to flee Rome and join him in the north.
Two clear actions were presented to Caesar.Either hand over his legion and accept his fate, be it exile or execution, and on the other hand, he can march into Rome like Sura.

On January, near Ravenna, in his own words, he had been waiting for an answer to his very gentle request, hoping that the natural sense of justice of the people would end the matter peacefully.As you may expect, he took decisive and deceptive action against Caesar, pretending to be separated from his forces, so that he could enjoy a pleasant evening with his friends.He re-joined his troops in the Rubicon River, the ancient dividing line between the sisaalpai Gaul and Italy, traditionally, here is the commander who gave up his commissionAny leap and war will happen.
Plutarch said that when he stared south at his home country, Caesar, together with his friends, considered his choice, for he considered the arduous nature of his actions: my friends will bring me a lot of trouble without crossing this stream.To cross it-For all mankind.He also quoted manland, his favorite Greek poet, as saying "Death is an actor".He led his army through the stream and into Italy.
Julius Caesar leads his soldiers through the night until they reach alimim (modern Rimini) so that he can control the passing of yabinen.Despite the choice of war rather than facing prosecution, Caesar's chances do not seem very good, as most of his Legion is still stationed in Gaul.But if there is any confidence in the Senate, it will soon be weakened.They seem to have misunderstood the situation, thinking that Rome is dealing with a rebellious general;They want Italian towns to send troops to defend the interests of the Senate.However, just as in most societies, ordinary people are extremely cynical about their political system, when Caesar agrees to double his wages, the deal is reached, and the Senate is concerned about it.
If I step on my feet, the whole of Italy will get up.Pompeo announced with great enthusiasm, but despite his bravery, he could not support the words with action, and when Caesar continued to march south, he had no choice but to run away.To be honest, I think that both Pompeii and the rest of the Senate are very surprised by Caesar's actions, they have given an ultimatum, so to say that it is not to start a war, but to put pressure on Caesar.The strategy failed;The Italian city, unwilling to see any bloodshed, just opened the door and let the Legion pass.Julius Caesar, who is now more or less the ruler of Italy, swept towards brentisim, hoping to siege Pompeii and his army as they prepare to board their ships heading east to Greece.The hunt began...
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