sydney photographer karl grenet named aussie winner of the sony world photo awards - waterproof camera housing

by:Hanway     2019-09-10
sydney photographer karl grenet named aussie winner of the sony world photo awards  -  waterproof camera housing
Winning shot . . .
Karl Grenet won the Australian championship at the Sony World Photography Awards.
Source: Sydney photographer Karl Grenet won the Australian championship in the famous Sony World Photography Award.
Grenet's award-winning image "escher's market" was selected as the best photo taken by any of the 10 public categories of the 2015 Sony World Photography Awards, the world's largest photography competition
Grenet, a documentary and street photographer from Sydney, currently lives in northern Thailand. Third place . . .
This photo was taken at dusk in the village of otjimza outside Epupa, Namibia.
Source: provided "I won and it's still not flooded properly.
The quality of the entries for each Sony World Photography Award is always the highest, and I am deeply honored and humbled that my image has been selected as the winner of the 2015 Australian national award, "the genre.
The winning photo was taken in Mumbai, India.
"One afternoon in November 2014, I encountered this scene while exploring the mazelike Mirza Ghalib Municipal market in the Null Bazar area of Mumbai," Grenet said . ". Second Place . . .
2015 Sony World Photography Awards Mihai Florea national awards: the front of a building in Melbourne.
Source: supply "because this is a 24-
Hour market, shop owners take a break for a few minutes between sales and seize any possible opportunity.
I had a 20 minute chat with the owner at this booth and had been filming the scene, as the owner kept going to his own booth for sale and then went back to this Booth to rest, no two images were the same.
"The runner-up of the Australian award is Melbourne photographer Mihai froreya, who won the second place and the woolengon native man McRae won the third place.
The national rewards program rewards the best single photos taken by local photographers and runs around the world from Argentina to Australia.
It is open to photographers of all abilities.
Picture: Emil Rashkovski, champion, Bulgaria, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards-
My grandson and I traveled along the Li River in China.
We watched the wonderful performance of Liu Sanjie.
This happened by the river, which should be the largest natural stage in the world.
The performance combines Liu Sanjie's classic songs with different moral groups and fishermen.
Photo: Finland 2nd Osmo Kyttala, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards
It was the peak of gray whale migration in early 2014.
I went to Big Sur to shoot the whales on the cliff, but when I got there the fog was too big to even see the water.
I decided to hike along the Baron da trail to see if I could cross the fog and this God --
The gift for me is my reward!
Picture: Douglas Croft, 3rd, National Award of the United States/2015 Sony World Photography Award
This photo was taken at Fernando del Paine, National Park in the Garan area of Chile.
My inspiration comes from the same nature at the southern end of the world, full of beautiful and tranquil scenery, creating a feeling of calm and peace, trying to reflect these feelings in this photo, the emotions that arise at sunrise.
Picture: Manuel Fuentes, winner of the Chilean National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award, 20 "Life is difficult "-
Fishermen are ready for the new day of fishing Pictures: Vietnam National Award/2nd Sony World Photography Award 2015 Theo Wu Xuan-
In Reykjavik in the first few days of 2014 (Iceland)
This panoramic photo is a stitched building that showcases several post-processing challenges, namely capturing the moving Aurora, revealing the Milky Way in the night sky and reproducing this moment as real and impactful as possible.
Image: Adriano Neves, Portugal, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards
This photo is taken in Greece, 30 km from the town of Thessaloniki and is located in the Kalohori lagoon. Photo: 2nd Ilias Tabakis, Greece, National Award/2015 Sony World
We stayed at Lake Dunstan north of Cromwell this evening.
Cromwell, Central Otago, is home to some of the best wine-making sites.
After tasting the wine for a few days, we spent the night in the parking lot by the lake and watched the moon fall on the mountain. A fantasy.
As soon as the moon falls, we will see amazing views of the Milky Way's arch over the water, as well as small performances of aurora over the town of Cromwell.
Photo: Mike MacKinven, 3rd New Zealand, National Awards/2015 Sony World Photography Awards
Hike in Norway's hadanglevida National Park.
We met a group of at least thousands of strong raindeer herd!
Picture: Fredrik Solbrekken, 2nd, Norway, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award
This typical fishing style can only be seen on inlelake in Myanmar.
When the sun went down, I asked these people to come to my boat, and then I took a few photos in several of their locations.
Photo: Eric t' kindt, Belgium, 2015 Sony World Photography Awards at 20' dunstans way'
It's the coldest night we 've ever shot, though not sure what the temperature is.
It's an amazing location to shoot but can't stay for too long.
It's cold. B.
The mountain is talking, there are a lot of creepy ice falling sounds in the distance, the coolest sound I hear in nature.
This panoramic view shows the 360 views of Aoraki Mt Cook when the moon falls on the ridge.
Photo: Mike MacKinven, New Zealand, 2015 Sony World Photography Award at 20' kos Island
Green summer-
The island you see in the photo is called Kastri, which is located near the village of Kefalos on the beautiful island of dodeckos KOs.
This photo was taken in the case of an underwater camera.
Picture: Georgios Papapostolou, winner, Greece, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award
The photo I took was on our itinerary in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam November 20 last year 14 at the river in the Mekong Delta and I took my camera on board and took this picture with a lower angle, just as the ship passed us, these local men or women, the old and the young were trying to earn income to support their families, their main source of income is to entertain tourists along the river on a 10 to 20-minute boat tour.
Image: Hamlito Jr Arayan Nocete, 20' 2015 Sony World Photography Awards for German nights, Philippineslight’ -
This photo was taken at the end of October with my good friend Frank Sorenson on a road trip to Port Hamburg.
The purpose of our trip is to explore the city and its many exciting modern and historical buildings.
My photo was taken from Poggenmuhle bridge in the old district of Port Hamburg, called Speicherstadt, showing the known "Wasserscholss ".
Photo source: Kaare Bak, Denmark, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award, 20 "Highland"-one night in August 8, 2014, on the way back to the hotel from Baliem festival in Wamena, Indonesia, we found an extraordinary hill inhabited by the indigenous Dani tribe.
With the help of a local guide, we decided to shoot the first nations the next morning.
Despite the cold weather, people arrived at their destination in time.
To portray the warrior spirit of the Highlanders, we spent a lot of time communicating with them and then placing them on the rocks, before the first rays of sunshine hit them.
Picture: Malaysia's 2nd yapuangxing, 20 pictures of the National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards: Malaysian winner Ruzely Abdullah, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award for "old teahouse-
Teahouse is the town of Peng, Shuangliu county Sichuan.
The old teahouse is the best preserved and oldest existing teahouse.
There are a large number of old customers here.
Photo: Zeng Jinwen, 2nd, China, National Awards/2015 Sony World Photography Awards-
I'm taking a panoramic picture of an abandoned "Gebe --
Factory in zone 14 of Vienna.
The prospect is a strange policeman.
The train stopped.
I have never seen it before.
Picture: Christian Stangl, 2nd, Austria, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award, 20 "Yellowstone Grand prism spring "-
To capture this spectacular natural wonder, I flew across the country.
At sunrise and 11,000 feet I overcame the strong winds and turbulence while trying to keep the height and capture right angles without anyone on the sidewalk.
This place is not only remote, but also in the mountains, high terrain, very dangerous.
I don't think I want to leave when I turn around.
Words that describe magic alone are not enough.
Picture: Jassen Todorov, 2nd, National Award of the United States/2015 Sony World Photography Award 20 "sewing fishing net "-
During a trip in central Vietnam, we visited the Vichy Bay, where there were many beautiful scenery.
We stopped at a fishing village by the sea.
Most of the villagers are fishermen.
When men are fishing, their wives stay at home and do housework.
While we were there, the ladies were sewing nets for a new fishing season.
The colors and shapes of the network look like green clouds, they are floating and rocking.
Picture: Fan Wen Ty, champion, picture of Vietnam National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards20 months: Zhou Huajian Rashkovski, champion, Bulgarian National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards 'Fishing's answer-
My grandson and I traveled along the Li River in China.
We watched the wonderful performance of Liu Sanjie.
This happened by the river, which should be the largest natural stage in the world.
The performance combines Liu Sanjie's classic songs with different moral groups and fishermen.
Photo: Finland 2nd Osmo Kyttala, National Awards/2015 Sony World Photography Awards
It was the peak of gray whale migration in early 2014.
I went to Big Sur to shoot the whales on the cliff, but when I got there the fog was too big to even see the water.
I decided to hike along the Baron da trail to see if I could cross the fog and this God --
The gift for me is my reward!
Picture: Douglas Croft, 3rd, National Award of the United States/2015 Sony World Photography Award
This photo was taken at Fernando del Paine, National Park in the Garan area of Chile.
My inspiration comes from the same nature at the southern end of the world, full of beautiful and tranquil scenery, creating a feeling of calm and peace, trying to reflect these feelings in this photo, the emotions that arise at sunrise.
Photo source: Manuel Fuentes, winner of Chile National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards
Fishermen are ready for the new day of fishing Pictures: Vietnam National Award/2nd Sony World Photography Award "northern lights of the Galaxy" 2015 Theo Wu Xuan
In Reykjavik in the first few days of 2014 (Iceland)
This panoramic photo is a stitched building that showcases several post-processing challenges, namely capturing the moving Aurora, revealing the Milky Way in the night sky and reproducing this moment as real and impactful as possible.
Photo source: Adriano Neves, winner of the Portuguese National Photography Awards/2015 Sony World Photography Awards
The photo is in Greece, 30 km outside the city park of Kalohori, Thessaloniki: Ilias Tabakis, 2nd, Greek national award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards 'Mount 360 'cooking-
We stayed at Lake Dunstan north of Cromwell this evening.
Cromwell, Central Otago, is home to some of the best wine-making sites.
After tasting the wine for a few days, we spent the night in the parking lot by the lake and watched the moon fall on the mountain. A fantasy.
As soon as the moon falls, we will see amazing views of the Milky Way's arch over the water, as well as small performances of aurora over the town of Cromwell.
Photo: Mike MacKinven, 3rd New Zealand, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography
Hike in Norway's hadanglevida National Park.
We met a group of at least thousands of strong raindeer herd!
Picture: Fredrik Solbrekken, 2nd Norway, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award "three fish men on Inlelake, Myanmar "-
This typical fishing style can only be seen on inlelake in Myanmar.
When the sun went down, I asked these people to come to my boat, and then I took a few photos in several of their locations.
Picture: Eric t. King, Belgium, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award 'dunstanze road '-
It's the coldest night we 've ever shot, though not sure what the temperature is.
It's an amazing location to shoot but can't stay for too long.
It's cold. B.
The mountain is talking, there are a lot of creepy ice falling sounds in the distance, the coolest sound I hear in nature.
This panoramic view shows the 360 views of Aoraki Mt Cook when the moon falls on the ridge.
Photo source: Mike MacKinven, New Zealand, National Award/winner of 2015 Sony World Photography Award, Kos-
Green summer-
The island you see in the photo is called Kastri, which is located near the village of Kefalos on the beautiful island of dodeckos KOs.
This photo was taken in the case of an underwater camera.
Photo: Greece, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award winner George papappos torlo '-
The photo I took was on our itinerary in Ho Chi Minh Vietnam November 20 last year 14 at the river in the Mekong Delta and I took my camera on board and took this picture with a lower angle, just as the ship passed us, these local men or women, the old and the young were trying to earn income to support their families, their main source of income is to entertain tourists along the river on a 10 to 20-minute boat tour.
Image source: Hamlito Jr Arayan Nocete, Philippines, German night of 2015 Sony World Photography Awardslight’ -
This photo was taken at the end of October with my good friend Frank Sorenson on a road trip to Port Hamburg.
The purpose of our trip is to explore the city and its many exciting modern and historical buildings.
My photo was taken from Poggenmuhle bridge in the old district of Port Hamburg, called Speicherstadt, showing the known "Wasserscholss ".
Picture: Kaare Bak, Denmark, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award "Highland man"-one night in August 8, 2014, returning to the hotel from the Baliem festival in Wamena, we found the extraordinary hill inhabited by the indigenous Dani tribe in Indonesia.
With the help of a local guide, we decided to shoot the first nations the next morning.
Despite the cold weather, people arrived at their destination in time.
To portray the warrior spirit of the Highlanders, we spent a lot of time communicating with them and then placing them on the rocks, before the first rays of sunshine hit them.
Photo: Malaysia 2nd Yako Kok Hing, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards: Ruzely Abdullah, winner of Malaysia, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Awards old tea
Teahouse is the town of Peng, Shuangliu county Sichuan.
The old teahouse is the best preserved and oldest existing teahouse.
There are a large number of old customers here.
Source: Zeng Jinwen, 2nd, China, 2015 Sony World Photography Award
I'm taking a panoramic picture of an abandoned "Gebe --
Factory in zone 14 of Vienna.
The prospect is a strange policeman.
The train stopped.
I have never seen it before.
Photo: Christian Stangl, 2nd, Austria, National Award/2015 Sony World Photography Award 'Grand prism spring, Huangshi '-
To capture this spectacular natural wonder, I flew across the country.
At sunrise and 11,000 feet I overcame the strong winds and turbulence while trying to keep the height and capture right angles without anyone on the sidewalk.
This place is not only remote, but also in the mountains, high terrain, very dangerous.
I don't think I want to leave when I turn around.
Words that describe magic alone are not enough.
Picture: 2nd Jassen Todorov/2015 Sony World Photography Award "sewing fishing net "-
During a trip in central Vietnam, we visited the Vichy Bay, where there were many beautiful scenery.
We stopped at a fishing village by the sea.
Most of the villagers are fishermen.
When men are fishing, their wives stay at home and do housework.
While we were there, the ladies were sewing nets for a new fishing season.
The colors and shapes of the network look like green clouds, they are floating and rocking.
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