spur tortoise - faq - indoor enclosure

by:Hanway     2019-09-04
spur tortoise - faq  -  indoor enclosure
More commonly, Sulcata (
This is a larger species that requires a considerable fence, preferably outside.
This is one of the most interesting active and friendly species if you live in a suitable climate, but their habitat in the wild is rapidly disappearing to protect the species.
The length of the turtle often reaches 200 pounds and 30 inch!
It is clear that this is a large sample and requires a lot of food and space.
Therefore, putting them in a small indoor enclosure is not the best for the best health and well-being of pets! Their shell (carapace )
The color is brown and, unlike the leopard turtle, its shape is low-bent.
Spurs or nodules on the hind legs (
It gives its common name).
Sometimes there will be confusion for different types, but if you try to notice the Latin name and not just the normal name, you will be able to distinguish all the different species more easily.
This is the real situation of North African turtle "spur (Testudo Graeca)
Also known as spurthighed!
Africans from North Africa, from deserts to grasslands to arid grasslands, have diverse habitats.
If you decide to keep and take care of the stimulating turtle, you must imitate it in order to bring the best results to your pet.
In a captive environment, this adaptable creature requires a large area to live happily.
If the climate is right, an adult will live very happily in the big enclosure outside.
However, the species does like digging, so be sure to protect the fence with a solid or escape base and a solid fence or wall. .
It must also be quite high because they like to climb!
If they are determined to pass, you will be surprised how high they can actually climb!
Their diet is typical of a variety of grass foods that should include fresh, if possible, living vegetation.
Make sure you study the types of live vegetation they can eat because some are toxic to turtles.
They like to eat grass all day, which in turn produces a lot of waste!
Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for regular cleaning of the fence so as not to get sick.
A bundle of alfalfa grass is a good source of fiber, and it is also wise to supplement the turtle with vitamins and minerals.
If you want to take care of these Thorn turtles, you have to weigh all of them because they require a lot of time and effort from you.
Their external housing will require manual heating and lighting, which will cost your family a lot.
Deciding to live with these incredible creatures is a serious commitment, but if you have the right planning and resources, they will become a good and charming pet for many years to come.
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