security camera case what to look for when shopping for security cameras ...

by:Hanway     2019-08-13
1-Why are you buying security cameras?The security camera has a wide range of uses, choosing the right security camera according to your purpose.
a-Home Safety;If you have a babysitter for your child and you have no one to watch her, the security camera can be a great choice to observe her behavior and treat your child.It can also be used to protect your belongings while you are outside, or to observe the behavior of your teens so that you can handle all the situations by focusing on your house and family.
b-Business security;There is an urgent need for managers to observe the behavior and progress of employees, which makes it very useful to install security camera systems into their networks.
c-Crime prevention;Security cameras are also available to banks, hotels, airports, and insurance companies..And so on, providing more security tools in such places.
d-Industrial processes;In places or nuclear fuel manufacturer laboratories engaged in industrial processes that are dangerous to human beings, safety cameras are required, in the presence of these cameras, such as thermal cameras, to help measure the temperature of the process.Sometimes security cameras are required by law.
e-Traffic Safety;Many of these cameras are owned by the company, which can detect traffic accidents and congestion and then transmit data to the driver's system.More interestingly, police can write conditional traffic violations for bad drivers who violate traffic regulations by watching recorded videos of any monitored area or street.
2-What kind of security camera should you look?There are many types of security cameras and its use depends on your needs.There are five types of security cameras;
a-Bullet security cameraThey can be used at home or outside.This security camera is black and white, equipped with all the necessary hardware.It does not require any additional external protection.It has good quality to show you about 35 feet facial features and it has a fixed 4mm lens.Its widest Angel is 70 degrees and it provides you with a high quality image without any distortion.
b-Infrared security camera;They are very popular among poor people and snacks.Lighting conditions.Infrared security cameras are bullet-type in most cases, so they can be used at home or outside.The infrared lighting installed around the lens enables the infrared camera to see in a dim environmentlighted areas.
c-Security cameras day and night;Because it has an extra sensitive imaging boat, it is possible to capture good images in low light without using an infrared led.In external use, it is better than an infrared camera because the infrared camera is not programmed to perform well in an external application unless the infrared camera is mounted on the shell glass.
d-C-Install security cameras;This security camera is appropriate if you need to see more than 35 feet facial features.It has many features, such as its variable lens, and the ability to zoom in to a specific area.They are usually used for internal purposes and can be used outside the door if placed in a special case for outdoor applications.
e-Dome security camera;It is named after the shape of the dome.In addition to the height it provides, it can often be seen inside the buildingquality images.It has a wide range of features as it has wind and rain, day and night and a wide variety of systems.
3-How to determine the best resolution for future security cameras?First of all, what is the solution?
Simply put, it is the number of pixels on the horizontal axis and the number on the vertical axis.Generally speaking, the higher the resolution, the better, moreover, the higher resolution camera is recommended than the lower resolution camera.There is not much difference in price, however, even if it will cost you more;You will get better quality.
4-Do I need a recording?Most people don't use audio cameras because it's illegal unless you post a notice saying you have a audible camera.
5-Which is better to manually or automatically control in a security camera?While this makes the operating system more complex, manual control is often preferable, in which case you can set the settings of the camera such as white balance and center focus.Although these settings can be done automatically in a hurry.
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