mold and die how to |

by:Hanway     2019-08-17
The tile floor will get dirty.Between dirt and dirt, dirt can enter the groove and depression of the tile, mold and mold can enter the grouting of the tile, it may be difficult to keep the tile floor clean.Here is a simple tutorial on how to clean the tile floor with baking soda and vinegar.This amazing duo helps clear all the dirt and keep your tile floor fresh and clean.
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1 1/2 cup of warm water, stir well.

A mixture of water and baking soda.Let bubbling die if you want, then add essential oil.Essential oils help to clean more and also add a nice smell to the cleaner.

Shake well before each use.

Spray the solution directly onto the microfibre and clean the floor.
Mop the floor as usual, move in the backand-forth motion.No Flushing required
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