metal casting basics and metal casting how to's - disadvantages of die casting

by:Hanway     2019-08-31
metal casting basics and metal casting how to\'s  -  disadvantages of die casting
Casting can be defined as a manufacturing process, which means pouring the "liquid" material into a "mold" containing a hollow cavity of the desired shape and then curing.
Then, to complete the process, pop or pop the casting.
The use of casting is to "form a hot liquid metal" or many metals, cooling after mixing components such as clay, gypsum, concrete and epoxy.
Since other methods are not feasible, complex shapes are usually made by casting.
Casting was born about 6000.
"Copper foam" is the oldest casting since 3200 BC.
There are two different branches in the casting process: non-
Mold casting for consumables and consumables. 'Non-
Expendable 'mold casting: this technique includes at least 4 different methods: continuous, centrifugal, mold and permanent casting.
Continuous casting: continuous casting can be defined as the refining process of Gaode casting
Volume, continuous production of continuously crossed "metal parts"section.
Pour the molten metal into the watercooled, open-
The end of the copper mold.
This allows the formation of "layers" of "solid metal" above "static"liquid' center.
Continuous casting due to its cost-effectiveness.
The continuously cast metal has aluminum, copper and steel.
Centiugal casting: centrifugal casting has nothing to do with the following two
Pressure and gravity
This is because its own "force feedback" is generated by using "temporary sand mold" in the "rotating chamber" of 900 N.
The lead time related to the application is different. True-and semi-
Centrifugal processing allows 30 to 50 pieces/hour.
The upper limit for batch processing is about 9000 kg (practically).
This method was once used for "railway wheel casting ".
It was developed by a company called "krup.
It originated in Germany.
Jewelry is usually cast in this way. Die-
Casting: die casting can be defined as the process of "forcing" the molten metal into the cavity of the mold under high pressure.
These castings include non-ferrous metals, especially-
Alloys of aluminum, copper and zinc.
It is even possible to make metal die castings.
Use the die casting method where finer parts are needed.
"Permanent casting": this casting is made by non-ferrous metals.
It takes some time to set (some weeks)
After that, the productivity is about 5 to 50 pieces/hour-
Mold implementation.
The "acetylene soot" coating is applied to the steel cavity.
This helps to easily remove the workpiece and extend its life (of tools).
The life of the permanent mold is limited.
For worn molds, replacement or repair is required.
Consumable mold casting: "consumable mold casting" can be called a standard classification that includes the following: sand casting: it is one of the simplest and most popular casting types used since ancient times
It is very small in size.
The adhesion of sand is through the use of clay (
Such as "Green Beach ")
Or "aggregate oil" or "chemical mixture ".
Recycling is easy to implement.
Cast of plaster (for metals)
: There is no difference between gypsum casting and sand casting, except for the fact that gypsum replaces sand.
Also, there are plastic and concrete castings.
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