it's so cold that a canadian zoo took extra precautions to protect its penguins - outdoor enclosure

by:Hanway     2019-09-16
it\'s so cold that a canadian zoo took extra precautions to protect its penguins  -  outdoor enclosure
Cold temperatures in Alberta, Canada have allowed zoo administrators to take additional precautions to keep penguins safe.
The emperor penguins at the Calgary Zoo usually have access to their outdoor enclosure as they wish.
But as temperatures drop in the area,
Malu Celli, director of the zoo, told Canadian media that they had been transferred to an indoor fence several times.
Although these Emperor penguins are used to the cold Antarctic climate, they are not as strong as their relative emperor penguins.
The fact that there is also a young chick in the zoo group encourages zoo administrators to be extra careful in the past few weeks.
"It's kind of like you can tie your kids up, but one thing you're going to say, 'I know you're fine, but I 'd rather you stay in there now,' said Selly.
A spokesman for the Calgary Zoo told Huffington Post that the weather conditions in the area have improved and penguins are "happily outdoors again ".
"In the extreme winter conditions of Calgary, it is not uncommon for the zoo to pull king penguins in from the outdoor enclosure.
Zoo guidelines suggest that penguins should stay indoors if temperatures drop --25 C(-13 F).
Celli told Canadian media that the temperature in the area has recently remained-28 C (-18. 4 F).
On Monday morning, the weather in Calgary dropped-30 C (-22 F)
According to togrobalnews. ca.
"It's not necessarily too cold for them," Celli said . ".
"I believe that physically they can withstand cooler weather than we do here, but they are not wild birds. ”Record-
The cold weather in the United States has caused some Americans this week. S.
The zoo is also prepared to take additional measures to protect their animals.
The Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago recently ushered in the coldest New Year's Day ever, with temperatures of up to 1 degree Fahrenheit.
Curator Dave Bernier told Huffington Post that even in extremely cold weather, the zoo's facilities were designed to protect animals.
While zoo administrators prefer to let animals roam freely both indoors and outdoors, staff closely monitor these decisions when temperatures reach these extremes.
"We always prefer [animals]
Visit the indoor and outdoor exhibitions but will prove that they are good [decisions]
Or use the space properly in extreme weather conditions, "he said.
"If anyone is worried, they will not be able to access the outdoor space.
The African penguins in the zoo, a mild species, most of the time, tend to choose to stay indoors when temperatures drop to single digits-although the zoo has provided them with warm water outside.
John Davis, director of riverbank Zoo and Garden mammals in South Carolina, told Huffington Post that his organization does not need to take any unusual precautions to ensure the safety of zoo animals.
If anything, it is the human caregiver who really bears the brunt of the cold weather.
"All the animals in the zoo are doing well and managed through the cold currents in the south," Davis said . ".
"Employees are people who suffer most of the discomfort, which proves their dedication.
"This week, the heaters are running full steam and are not very good for the power bill, but they do work on providing heat to animals and provide a short break for zoo administrators, keep them warm between animal care duties.
"Correction: Earlier versions of this article cite Dave Bernier of Lincoln Park Zoo's famous quote about keeping zoo staff warm.
The statements came from John Davis at the riverbank Zoo and Gardens.
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