how to cast aluminum how to pan fry a (with pictures) |

by:Hanway     2019-08-17
A T-The bones cooked in a heavy frying pan form a delicious, brown shell that is difficult to match with any other cooking method, which makes it possible for any steak lover to master the technique
• Coarse Jewish or sea salt re-cast-Iron Pot high-• Instant-temperature cooking oil • paper towels-
At least 45 to 60 minutes before the meal, season the steak with Coarse kosher or sea salt.This provides ample time for the gravy to dissolve salt and for the muscles to re-absorb the salty liquid.
Adjust the burner of the stove to mediumHigh, place a heavy frying pan on a flame or coil.Cast-Iron is the best because it has the best thermal retention.
Heat the frying pan until it gives off a slight flicker and smoke and you can clearly smell the hot metal.Pour about a tablespoon high.Put grape seed oil, red flower oil or avocado oil in the pan and rotate it to cover the surface.
Apply the steak carefully with fresh paper towels to ensure the surface of the steak is dry.Gently place the steak in a hot pot, be careful not to drop and splash the oil.Bake it on the first side for 1 to 2 minutes, then turn it and bake on the second side for 1 to 2 minutes.
Turn the burner down to medium heat.Slide the steak to one side of the pan so that its smaller tenderloin portion moves up slightly along the inclined side of the pan.The thin tenderloin burns faster than the well.You're on the marble striped side of T-Using this technique to make it slightly higher than the surface of the pan helps balance the cooking time.
Cook the steak to your liking and flip it every 30 to 60 seconds.For a T-The bone or porterhouse is cut to a fairly typical 1/1/4 thickness, allowing about 8 to 9 minutes for rare or medium, or up to 12 minutesrare.
Test the taste of the steak by inserting the momentRead the thermometer horizontally to the middle.A steak of 120 to 125 degrees FahrenheitRare 130 F, etc.When you like steak, take it out of the frying pan and let it rest for about 5 minutes before serving.
If you don't have a cast-An extra iron potHeavy cast aluminum pan or stainless steelA steel pot of coarse copper or aluminum core is an acceptable alternative.
Many home chefs and recipe writers believe that the steak should be turned only once, and the reason is not unreasonable because that's what the top steakhouse does.There are several reasons why the steakhouse does this.-Turn it over and keep the beautiful grill marks, simplifying the process of managing dozens of steaks at the same time ---But frequent flipping is a better technology.Like a barbecue shop, it provides better heat transfer and more-Even cooking, resulting in steak cooking all the time without burning or overcooked outer layers.
• Bone-T-wait for steakBones are always done a little less or lessFinished near the bone.This is normal because the protein of the meat shrinks when cooking, and this contraction makes the bones thicker than the steak itself.The area next to the bone is slightly higher than the surface of the frying pan, so cooking is slower.You can finish your T-by transferring the frying pan to a preheated 400 F oven-In the more gentle, diffuse bone of heat.This takes a few minutes depending on the thickness of the steak, but can reduce the risk of overcooking.
Another way is to roast steak.Add a few more tablespoons of oil to your frying pan, then regularly tilt the pot and scoop the mixed oil onto the steak near the bone.Apply the striploin side more frequently than the tenderloin side, otherwise you will have the risk of overcooking the skinny tenderloin.To add richness and flavor, add a tablespoon of butter to the pan as the steak approaches finish.This also helps T-The surface of the bone is dark brown.
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