history of die casting The Mystery of Robin Johnson

by:Hanway     2019-08-23
Most Americans have never heard of the name Robin Johnson.But in the fall of 1980, she was on the verge of a superstar.If all goes well, her name will be as familiar as Barbara Streisant.She may become the star of a popular film, and she may also receive some Academy Awards.Her platinum record sales will reach the top 10.At the very least, she should be a popular role actress like Christine kenowos, and her click-through rate could be the top 40.



Will do the same for Robin.He is not alone.Most film critics are raving about her debut, even if they do attack the film itself.

.Hollywood is willing to give her the chance.She received an invitation from a large number of studios and producers.She has multiple options in movies and TV shows.There is also an album on the road.She's recording for RSO.Rumor has it that she has already recorded a new Wave album and can put it down at any time.

Confidently listing her as one of the few new celebrities they have declared the post-80 s, she is expected to dominate over the next decade.
And then nothing.
For more than three years, she has not starred in any film, TV series, released any albums or singles, or even appeared on any talk show.In the entertainment circle, three years out of the public eye may also be millions.Popular celebrities who have rested between projects for more than a year are either quickly forgotten or considered forgottenbeen.For a celebrity who is taking advantage of the current program's momentum, not working for three years can be a career suicide.When Robin finally returned to the show, she began to become famous as a TV star.

As an actor on weekly online shows, she worked until prime time TV.
And then there's nothing left.
She disappeared for another three years.Her television career has grown to the point where she can easily find a working guest starring in online shows and is likely to be a regular visitor in another series.At least she can go back to her soap opera.But she has been away from the show for another three years.And then in 1988 she redid.

And then nothing.This time is good.Robin Johnson will never perform on TV or in movies again.
What happened?Why are so many people who have promised not to become big stars?Why did she disappear all the time?Why does she retire permanently?This is the question her fans want to know.Although she had only a brief quarrel with the entertainment industry, she was not ignored.If Robin didn't have the same screen, swood would never compare her to John Travolta.Many of the people who have seen her film, who do have seen her prime-time web show, from her soap operas, and even from an appearance with her vice president in Miami, remember she became an instant fan.Robin Johnson is an actor who is easily in love and hard to forget, even with her tough image and harsh voice in Brooklyn.With proper breaks, it's easy for her to be Jean Harlow of her generation.
She does look beautiful.Robin is beautiful.Perfect for magazine covers.Her fans see her lips as one of her unique features.But those lips often show naughty smiles as if she was saying "Are you ready for some trouble ?"?She is very sexy and dangerous.An attitude of "try with me if you dare.But there is always a hidden sense of vulnerability.She is easily one of the biggest sexual symbols of decades.She has everything a female star wants.On top of that, she has something else that we seem to allow beautiful celebrities to move on.She could act.More importantly, she is one of the best actresses in the 80 s.

You think she exposed her soul for you.Looking at her long enough, you feel like you know her well.Her screen is dynamic.She will immediately draw all her attention to herself, often without even trying.She became the center of the scene, and everything else, the other actors, the set, the plot, turned into a background wallpaper.It was her moment, almost as if the entire movie or TV show she was watching was made specifically for that moment.There are not many actors with this ability.It is a shame that it has almost never been used well.Although a handful of hardcore fans will find her here and there in small characters, she is still unknown.Then she left, and all her fans were wondering why she wouldn't show up unexpectedly again.
When doing a bit of research for the article, including getting in touch and talking with a few fans, and reading countless comments about her spreading on Internet forums, I began to realize that it was not just her story.Each fan has its own unique story.How did they find her, what shows or movies did they see her, and they didn't know about the shows and movies she was in, and they missed them and felt sad.The story of how they became fans of such an obscure actress.I have my own story.

.I felt the need to show my own soul to explain how I was obsessed with her.But if you feel that you don't need to read, I can understand by jumping to the second half of the article.

( 1975 ).It doesn't matter, they are too young to be allowed to see R movies and never seen them.They have the soundtrack they keep playing, they know the lyrics of each song, they have every book and magazine article, they dress up as characters occasionally, there was even a lip sync copy of the film as a backyard drama that most neighbors had seen.

My brother and all his friends can't wait to see it.

This is an R movie.But no problem.We Have Heaven.
Now the legendary paradise.This is a theater known to every child in Queens and most parts of Brooklyn for only one reason;They will have children of any age Watch R movies without adults.Even though it took me and my friend nearly an hour to walk to Woodhaven, we will always be there.

(1979) and a bunch of violent movies.But there is a disadvantage.Heaven is the last theater in New York City to get a new movie before the movie ends.That is why the owner did not give the f * & k that allowed minors to enter the theater.But it does mean that if a movie is removed from the release before it's released, then heaven doesn't get it.

.Every week, my brother and his friends have a strategy meeting to discuss if they can get someone's cool uncle or brother to take them to the theater that week.They talk a lot about what they think the plot is about based on advertising alone.

was in.They know the grade.UA and Loews Theaters first have new movies, then big independent theaters like Midway, then small independent theaters like Cross Bay, and finally heaven.

Never walked halfway before it was no longer listed.I remember that week when everyone checked the newspaper again and again, they all had a healthy body and then came to the conclusion that it was withdrawn from the distribution and would not be in heaven.Since this is my brother and his friend, I don't remember being in circles and not going to watch movies with them.

Jump forward for a few years.

But the premise is primitive.The audience was invited to write an article asking for a film.The idea is for viewers to pick one out of about 100 movies in the channel Library, which may have been aired dozens of times in the past.But instead, they were overwhelmed by movie requests that the channel had never played.Channel 5 saw a potential way to attract new audiences.Hundreds of films have never been broadcast on television before, and have not been broadcast for several years.There is still a year or two from the arrival of the video rental store.

On a small screen, the only way is to broadcast it on TV.The last broadcast was on CBS in 1972.

That's why it aired in the first episode of the film club.
Several other films that received hundreds of requests were also broadcast.

(1969) broadcast \ "Oh, Sh!When they jumped off the cliffChannel 5 even made a big contribution to the fact that they kept the word cuss on the radio.

.Movies are rarely censored.They were all shown as uncut and had very little business break.Once they played all the movies that the public had asked for, they were given the right and they only received some of the requested movies and they started the lottery system.It will take a few weeks for them to make the request and put it in the drum and randomly pull out a letter.If Channel 5 is able to get rights to broadcast, then the film is chosen for an upcoming episode, usually the person who picks the movie to host the opening.All kinds of movies are requested.

(1971) broadcast at the club.
I bought a black and white TV on my birthday in 1982.

Because my parents thought I was big enough in 1979.I'm big enough, of course.

But in the same year, Lorn Michael left the show and the original actors and writers left.The next few seasons are bad, and the only exception is any sketch of Eddie Murphy in it.

.But it's always the last minute decision on which show I'll watch..

The night it aired.First of all, I can't imagine receiving many requests at that time.It is likely that there will be a single request that week, mixed up with hundreds of other requests.This is probably the only time someone has made a movie request.However, it is pulled out of the drum and EMI lets it play.Otherwise, it seems that no other radio station is interested in broadcasting it.

It's the premiere of World Radio.

Bad luck that week.On the one hand, there is SNL, and other family members are looking at it in the living room.On the other hand, it's a movie that I'm a little curious about because my brother and his friends were fascinated by it years ago.The only thing I'm sure about this movie is that it's blown up, which usually means it's not good.

I know it's been blown up bad enough to pull out of distribution in the medium term, so my expectations are low.While I will see that it has not been cut and almost no interruption, it will be framed completely on my small black and white TV screen.Not the best viewing experience.However, something magical happened that night.I found myself enjoying the film.I was so fascinated and happy when it ended and I wanted to see it again.Most of the rest of the week I was thinking about that movie.Critics seem to see this as a disjointed mess.But this is not what I see.I am one of the few people who like it.
Although Tim Curry has few plays, he is considered the star of the film.I already know he's a doctor.

.He will continue to be a prolific voice-over artist for characters and cartoons.The second bill is for Trini Alvarado and I know who she is.In her early 80 s, she played many TV series and TV series.

(1982) an online TV movie about a graffiti artist in my teens that my friends and I really like.The actress I don't know is Robin Johnson.She was the first thing we saw in the movie, and a teenager dragged a cart with an electric guitar and an amplifier along 42 Street.Her character Nikki Mallorca is clearly the main character of the film.But Robin had to accept the "introduction" of the third bill credit.It let us know that this is the first time she has appeared anywhere.Since I didn't recognize her in any of the subsequent movies or TV shows, as far as I know, it was her only show.
In the early 80 s there was no dvr, no internet, no pirated or pirated video, no streaming video, no demand.As mentioned, this is still the beginning of a home video movie.When it comes to a movie you like, the only way to watch it is to keep checking the TV Guide until it is listed again.I'm at the mercy of Channel 5.

Again, I need to wait until they decide to broadcast it again.It took almost a full year for Channel 5.They aired again in early 1984, this time after one o'clock A.M. in the morning.

Another excitement for a child waiting for Christmas.I stayed up late to watch it and liked it for the second time.If I own a VCR, then the copy of the movie is mine.But that's it.As far as I know, Channel 5 has never played the film again.It didn't show up on the home video until 1987, and I didn't even know that until 1989, pirated copies appeared in a shady rental store I belonged.It's definitely piracy.The hard shell box released by the thorn hundred generations video is not the cardboard of the ship sleeve.

last aired.

.Crockett sat by the pool of a luxury hotel pretending to be a tourist when a charming young woman approached him.She has something very familiar.I know I met her before.If I had been focusing on the set, I might have known who she was.The woman, who proved to be a fancy call girl, was arrested after pleading with Crockett.Of course, Crockett and Tubbs are looking for bigger fish, and as soon as she returns to the police station, they start to pressure her to help them.In the middle of the interrogation, I suddenly realized who she was.

Robin Johnson, of course, is listed as a guest star.I can't believe it.It's like Nikki Mallorca is back.Only this time has grown up and dressed in sexy costumes.
I got another surprise.About a week later, NBC began playing promotional films for a winter replacement series that looked like a replica

.The third angel in the promo is Robin Johnson.This is too good to be true.

was a delight.Now I see her every week.She took part in a series that might make her dress sexier.

Is your standard formula 80 crime series, but with female spies.

.That's probably why it doesn't last long.The show was built around actress Joanna Cassidy, who played CIA agent Liz townney named Fox Field.Cheryl Lee Ralph and Robin Johnson are basically her partners in the pilot film.In fact, Robin did not make his first appearance until the film was released for an hour.Very depressed.In the first hour, Cassidy was a solo actor, but in the second half of the film she decided she needed professional thief Maggie Bryan (Sheryl) help and skilled driver Danny tools (Robin ).On a one-hour regular episode, Cheryl and Robin sit on the same level as Joanna and play various undercover roles.As expected, Robin occasionally wears sexy clothes as a cover.

Got blown up and I fell in love with her before I knew it.When her show is canceled from the schedule, it makes it more sad.

.She confirmed that the show had been canceled and excuse that it did a good job in terms of ratings but was not enough to cover the cost of a series of actions.

In 1996, it appeared in many TV programs and movies during this period.

( 1988 ).But Robin disappeared from the earth again.At first, I didn't know the actress I just fell in love with left again.I thought she would come back in the next fall and be a guest star on a different show, and maybe even end up in another series.But it never happened.It was three years before she came back unexpectedly.

You may want to skip this section.If you do, that's what it is.I spent more than 30 years trying to watch or buy the only movie that rated Robin Johnson as a star but failed every time.Until today, it was the most vague of all her characters, and I also included 30 seconds after her few hours of not speaking guest.
One of my friends was the first family member to buy a video recorder near my home.The first thing his parents did was to join the only video Club in south Queens at the time.Because it was a 20-minute hike, his parents sent him to the video store every Friday to rent a movie and pay a little more so he could rent something on his own.I will go with him.From the beginning, video stores follow the same rules in terms of pornography.The "adult" films are all separate and in part of the store you can only enter through the old-fashioned revolving doors of the Western salon.The clerk should stare at the door to make sure there are no minors going in.But we kept sneaking in.He didn't even notice when we played the same prank every week.

, We will take it off the shelf and put it in the children's section of the Disney cartoon.Other than that, all we can do in the adult section is look at the box.My friend swears that once he turns 18 he will rent every movie in the adult zone.It won't be like this in five years.
He got his driver's license on his 18 th birthday.As long as he refill the tank with his own money, his parents allow him to drive.So on his birthday, we drove directly to the video store, where he went through the revolving door in the adult area, took the box he had been looking at for years, took a shot at the front desk, proudly raise his driver's license and announce: "I'm renting this today!\ "He only put it at home for 10 seconds before his parents yelled at him and asked him to bring it back.No matter.A week later, he secretly rented it again, hid it under his shirt and sneaked into his house, and started the ceremony of renting pornographic films on Friday night, after his parents slept, he watches TV on the TV in the living room.
He vowed to rent every movie.It only took about three months.

There are only 12 films in the adult section, including cartoon and puppet movies.The store has owned all the same movies since 1982.As he was driving around now, he decided to join other video stores and raid their adult area.Every time he finds a video store he doesn't belong to, he makes a u-Turn, Park and join.As far as I know, there are about 15 video stores in Queens that he belongs to, at least one in Brooklyn, and several in Nassau County along the way.Some of them have a well-stocked adult area with new arrivals every once in a while.So every Friday night I have a pleasant drive with him near Queens, which will end at a random video store so he can finish the Friday night ceremony.When he is in the adult area, I will read the shelves in other parts of the store carefully and keep busy by reading the boxes.
The box that draws my attention is a horizontal artwork, not a vertical one.Most of the photos were a pom girl who made a split leg running from one end of the box to the other.

According to other works, this is another cheap sexual comedy in its early 80 s.I was about to drop the box when I glanced at the actor, and to my shock the star in the movie was Robin Johnson.I immediately brought the box to my friends in the adult area.He looked at it again, looked at the back and told me it was not porn.\"I Know.\" I said.I want you to rent this.I will give you the money.\ "It also means watching at his house because I don't have a video recorder yet.After a few minutes, I convinced him to rent it.Because the shop assistant told us that the film had already been released, everything was gone.
The next afternoon, my friend and I went to return what he had rented.

was still out.A week later, we went back to the same video store.It's still outside.Over the next few months, we went back to that store many times.

was out.Finally, we were told that the reason it was always outside was that someone rented it but never returned it.

.When I finally got a VCR, I started buying the movie, but it didn't seem like a store that sold it had it.It's not the RKO video, it's not the record explosion, it's not the Wiz, it's not the Crazy Eddie.Finally, I consulted J & R, who not only had the best video options in Manhattan, but also had an account at every video dealer.Not only did they not, but they could not find a dealer in stock.That's it.That's what I think.
About 1991 blockbuster bombs have opened in my community.Another friend also became a member, so one day I went to a movie rental with him.I'm looking at the comedy section and it's there.
I want to rent it right away.The clerk told me that I needed to be a member.I wanted to join there.The clerk told me I needed a credit card.I don't have a credit card.So I went to get my first credit card.I was told that I needed a driver's license and a credit record first.I had neither.I decided it was too much trouble to rent a damn movie and I asked my friend if he was a member of every video store in Queens and if he could rent it.He could not.The only video store he doesn't belong to in Queens is Blockbuster.Why?No adult area.Luckily, my mother and her friends decided to join and she agreed to lend me the card once it appeared in the mail.After about a week and a half, the card finally arrived and I took it out immediately.And guess what?GONE!

Not returned either.This is once again.
This is what I found recently.

The video was released by Vestron on 1986.The reason it is hard to find is that their prices are not for home sales, but about $80 sold directly to video rental stores.
Dirty Dancing.
When Vestron closed down in 1991, its movie library was acquired by Live home video and then re-launched

Video labels on their budget are fanatic home entertainment.This is in a redesigned box with a picture of the cheerleader, most likely not in the movie, jumping in front of an all-sky background.I was still buying VHS tapes at the time and can't remember seeing them in any of the stores I 've been.However, seeing it in a completely different box, I may have seen it in the store but did not recognize it.It was released again by gem entertainment on 1998.Low budget video, most likely to save money on tape.The box was redesigned again, back to the original artwork, but narrowed down and turned into vertical, printed on an all-white box.There is a list of all the recording artists in the space below, and their songs are in the movie.I don't know it's available again.

on DVD.

It has never been released on DVD, and there is no plan to release it.

Free International finally released on DVD in 2009, using full screen edited by the same TV VHS master as in previous versions.But then I stopped looking for it.

Re-recorded from widescreen drama printing in 2015.Of course, it should be easy to buy version 2015 in 2016, right?Wrong!Amazon does not have a list of code red versions.

Sold and not listed as out of print.I know it's released.I found it on eBay with a picture of the code red box, which is the latest bid of about $175.Amazon did release Liberty International, but only used copies were provided.The cheapest used copy costs $75.An old one costs $374.It doesn't mean these DVDs are really worth that much money, it's just that they get so rare that sellers can raise prices, sellers, similar to comics, have raised prices to books that once sold 10 cents to tens of thousands of dollars.
I did not give up the red code.I often check on the website.There is a strange link called "store" that will only result in a page that says the store is being maintained and will be back soon.

.I bought the film, but I don't know if they have a movie to sell.First of all, I did not receive a confirmation email.Another, the link to the store resumed maintenance shortly after I purchased it.Is the movie really in stock?Or am I accidentally accessing the store while it is still being maintained and the page is not updated?
Finally, two weeks later, I received a confirmation email saying that the item had been shipped via Level 1 mail and should arrive at my home within 2 to 7 days.

This does not mean that my bad luck is over.The tracking number was also given to me.The Mail that should be first class was eventually put in the post office, stayed there for three days, and then stayed at the main post office in the United States for a few days.Even if the USPS gave me the due date for Friday October 28 (which will be 8 days after I received an email saying it will arrive within 2 to 7 days) the post office did not catch the deadline.It arrived at my post office on Friday but they did not deliver it.They failed to deliver on Saturday.I showed up at the post office with my tracking number on Monday morning and they said they couldn't give it to me and it needed to be delivered.It's Halloween today.I have to work in my job.I know that any package left at my door is at the mercy of a bunch of tricks --or-Some people may decide to cheat my house by stealing mail.So I had someone sit at my front door, distribute the candy and intercept the package when it arrived.According to the person, when the postman arrived, she was busy handing out candy to a group of children, just putting a bunch of mail at the foot of the porch.A five-year-old in Batman costume immediately took out the package from the pile and stuffed it into his bag and began to walk away.He must be stopped.In a few tense moments, his parents had to believe that their child Angel had just poached someone's mail.When they finally looked at the bag, the child in Batman costume began to lose his temper and said that the bag was his.The postman gave it to him.He refused to let his parents put their hands into the bag.He tried to catch it when they did.When it was handed back, he threw a scream on the ground.The parcel was finally safely placed on the table in my living room.

She came back in 1988.
When they mentioned her nameShe's in the movie!There's her in the video they broadcast!That year, I was out of work and since I had little savings, I couldn't afford to watch a movie any more.When I can afford the movie, the theater I go to is like heaven or Drake Theater, or any other theater still charges $2 or less for the last week of the release.
Only on its opening weekend, those gorgeous theaters for $6.The reviews for the film are mixed, and the movie poster doesn't even list Robin's name, meaning her character is small.But I spent $6.
In the next two paragraphs, some vandals.Robin is different.Then if someone pulls her from dollitle.Her hoarse voice and accent disappeared.Her quirks are gone.She was almost beyond recognition.She plays "Cookie" Fitzwaring, the daughter of Charlotte Ramlin's rich social socialite character, and for the most part of the film, she is the main character.Robin has grown into an actor and is no longer a street girl in Brooklyn.This proves that she can play any role now.She may be in an ivory merchant movie next time.She got an impressive seventh bill in the credit.With the exception of Dennis quide and Meg Ryan, her character is more suitable for the film than any other character.I'm sure it's the beginning of her adult film career.She will play more mainstream movies and gradually become the leading actress.She is back and it will be permanent.
But it will be the only time I see Robin Johnson on the big screen.In the movie Cookie, the character who helped Quade escape a killer driver for about the third time, plans to dump his body in the mud.In the process, she was shot between her eyes and drove her car into the swamp.The last time we saw her was her body falling off the door and sinking into the mud, never seeing.I don't know at all that this scene will be a prophecy for her film career.
A few months, and a few years later.I didn't see her in the cast of any film, nor did I show any cameo on any of the TV shows I watched.At the same time, her colleagues

Trini Alvarado began to play a more prominent role.

( 1994 ).

(1993) Robin is nowhere to be found.I'm pretty sure she will do the same.

(1998) a lot of other rubbish that my friends and I convinced me to go.

Just explained why she didn't perform between the film and her return in her 80 s.She did not mention why she went missing after 1988, nor did she mention that she planned to withdraw from the show business forever.

I tried to piece together the biography of Robin Johnson.However, with stories that sound like they were invented by the propaganda department, accounts from sources that contradict accounts from other sources, three or more people on social media called Robin, there is no evidence of any real fan posts on the Internet, no explanation of the facts of where they got them, and even Wikipedia is not a reliable source, I can't say what I'm going to print is 100% real.So let's call this a legend.
The way she was discovered, for example, sounded like a fictional story.Robin, 15, took a high school lesson in order to go out and smoke.When she was standing on the steps of the school, a man named Michael found her, who claimed to be a genius scout for RSO and asked if she wanted to participate in the film.He handed her a card with a number.

.RSO has been looking for the perfect actress to play Nikki worldwide, and after watching thousands of actresses, she didn't think of anything.Robin's not the one they're looking.But she impressed everyone in the audition and won the role.When asked what would get a straight a student with no acting experience to audition for a tough guy on the street, Robin mentioned Michael had given her his business card.Just then, they told her that no one named Michael worked as a talent scout at RSO and no one went to Brooklyn.Michael is still a mystery until today.

Including Robin himself.But it sounds a little too close to Lana Turner's finding.The story is like this, Lana cuts a class in her high school so she can have a milkshake at Schwab's Pharmacy.Director Marvyn LeRoy found her and he made her a star in his film.In fact, most of Lana Turner's stories are not true.A magazine publisher found her in the malt shop across from her school and he called her Zeppo Marx.Zeppo recently left brother Marx and set up his own talent organization.Zeppo in turn convinced LeRoy to play a small part of her in his next movie.The only real thing about Lana Turner's story is that she's cutting schools, as Robin said.When you hear where it's happening, it's unlikely that the whole cut-type smoking will sound.Robin is a very smart student and she was skipped a grade in elementary school.It is said that her high school is Brooklyn Technical High School and only accepts genius.Not exactly a school for truancy.Smart students like her are also unlikely to risk getting fired, and on high school steps any teacher can see her.That's why this version of the event sounds more like something the propaganda department is dreaming of than something that actually happens.If swood told Robin that there was a Michael, the only thing missing from the story was him, but he died years ago.
Even the origin of the film itself seems to have been made up by a propaganda department.Alan Moyle, an independent filmmaker in Canada, dreams of becoming a major director in Hollywood.In 1978, Moyle and Le Ann angle lived in a dirty apartment above the porn theater on 42 th Street, and they could only afford old furniture.One day they bought a used sofa and found a diary hidden under the mat.It was written by a runaway girl who thought she must have been mentally disturbed.

About a restless teenager living on the streets of Times Square running away from home.To raise money for his film, he invited actor Tim Curry and screen writer Jacob Blackman to his apartment to promote the film for them.If they are linked to the film, it is possible for Moyle to find investors.Both were interested, except that Blackman wanted to rewrite the script so that there would be two girls running away instead of one.When filmmaker Robert swood was involved, it seemed effective to add curry and Blackman to the film.
Swood earned millions of dollars through the Robert swood organization (RSO), which produces stage performances and manages the career of recording artists.

( 1975 ).Stigwood realized that the soundtrack was more profitable than the film, and therefore conceived a three-part plan.The RSO will make a film in which the soundtrack will be released on the RSO record label, mainly using the RSO artist.

(1977) not only was it a successful film and soundtrack album, but it also promoted the career of recording artist Bee Gees an velelliman owned by RSO.

( 1978 ).But in the same year, when the RSO released two films that he was supposed to pass on, the little stone king of swood was also affected.

(1978) in a romantic comedy, John Travolta (who is finishing his three photo deals with RSO) paired with Lily Tomlin, a much older comedian.
(1978), among them the Bee Gees and Peter Frampton reproduce the Beatles in fantasy films using songs from the same album.Both films are famous bombs.Anyway, Sgt Pepper's soundtrack has changed a lot.Platinum, though, dropped 100 from the billboard a week after the film was released.It was reported that 4 million copies were not sold and were shipped back to RSO, which eventually threw the plot into a dump.
Did the game of Atari get thrown in?) But the album's revenue is enough to make up for the loss of the film and make a substantial profit for the RSO.
Eager to find another movie project which will lead to moreThe platinum soundtrack, swood, learned that a movie directed by Jacob Blackman is shopping around.Before Blackman became a screenwriter, he was a noun author.Wrote some hot articles about Carly Simon.Blackman wrote the script, and Tim Curry was a star, and swood thought the film would have musical elements.

for RSO.Now, with the support of a large production company, Moyle can license pop songs for his films and use RSO for original music.At the time, Moyle and Stigwood thought the soundtrack was disco music.But the title is still to be written.

It just doesn't work as a soundtrack title.

The only thing left to agree with is the casting.In particular, who will play the roles of two runaway girls Pamela Pearl and Nikki Mallorca?Swood held a national talent search and public audition in several cities.He said he wanted a new face.

(1979), just finished the ABC shooting after the special activities of the school.Nikki Marotta, the main character, has proved more difficult to play.The original plan was to hire an older professional actress for Nikki.Then, amateur Robin Johnson popped up claiming to have been recruited by Michael.Boyle won immediately.According to an article, swood is opposed to casting a newbie to play one of the girls, although he is looking for a newbie to play one of the girls across the country.Moyle convinced him that Robin eventually got a crash class for acting and singing.

As countless magazine articles told at the time of issue.All of this is thought to be true, not an ornament written by film promoters to make the unknown in the cast and crew sound more interested in the media.This version of the event is supported by Wikipedia, so it must be true.
Filming began on October 1979.Robin and Trini are both minors, so the labor law will apply to limit the amount of time they work on a set of devices every day.Swood needs to provide a fixed teacher to replace the school.They need to finish it all in a few months and finish the main photography by January at the latest.Despite her first film, Robin kept up with the busy pace and finally moved everyone on the scene with her natural acting skills.But no one seems as impressed as Robert swood.When the filming was completed, swood was so sure Robin was destined to be as big as John Travolta that he and she signed an exclusive production contract for three years.
Alan Moyle is not so excited about swood.In the fall of 1979, the disco suddenly changed the worst.As Chicago White Sox's anti-disco demolition propaganda stunt attracted 50,000 people to sell out unexpectedly, radio stations began to remove disco from the playlist one by one.The anti-When Moyle directed his film, the disco movement spread all over the country.

Into a new wave.Moyle complained that the music he carefully selected for his film was being replaced.When swood decided that the soundtrack would be a double album, he asked Moyle to shoot extra scenes with very few conversations, and the newly added songs could be played later.In order to make room for them, Moyle asked to delete some scenes with a dialog box, many of which are necessary for plot continuity.

an X rating.This includes all those who directly mention that Nikki and Pamela are lesbian.Moyle refused to edit his film.So swood fired him and let the second director finish the film.Boyle was so frustrated with his first experience in a Hollywood movie that he vowed never to make a movie again.

( 1990 ).

Released in theaters on October 17, 1980.Critics hate it.Many people think the film is out of touch with continuity mistakes.Moyle has been insisting that his edits will be consistent and that his edits will be more dramatic without editing the key scenes.Most viewers don't like the film either.Its revenues are just over $1 million, well below $6 million in production costs and well below the world's $100 million m.
Film critics may hate the film, but they love Robin Johnson's screen debut.For many, she is the only advantage of the film.

Along with Matt Dillon, she was selected as one of the 80 s.Not only do the media think Robin has a big future.She began to receive active invitations from studios and producers.With her first movie character, she is easy to find a job and is likely to be a partner or star of a major film project.The only problem is that she signed an exclusive contract with the RSO.
She can only appear in the RSO film and the stage performance made by swood.She is even exclusive to RSO Records, which means she cannot accept a record contract from any other record company.Swood made her a rock star.

.She was still primitive and needed a few singing lessons, but she was fully capable of recording the new wave album at that time.She might play an electric guitar.

.There is no doubt that swood thinks she has the potential to sell records.In 1981, it was rumored that Robin had just recorded an album that was still waiting to be released.There was a time when there was even a rumor that the album had been released thousands of copies without any publicity, and if you look hard you can find one at a record store.
So basically, Robin can't perform in a movie, can't perform on TV, can't even host a game show on TV, can't perform in a Broadway drama or a musical unless RSO is made, otherwise it is not possible to record and release her own album.She was not paid except for any of the signature bonuses she received.Only when a movie is being made or an album is released will she see the money.Why did she sign such a contract?First of all, she is a 15-year-old newbie who has never seen a contract before.Then there are articles that say that her mother was her agent at the time and that as a newbie, she herself was easily exploited.Swood promised Robin the moon.

With Andy Gibb, who is about to go into production.Next is a selection of movies starring Robin.Swood promised to make her the next John Travolta

Robin was a random teenager.This will be the only offer she received at the time.

After his screen test failed.

Well, that's what most actors do.But that's the deal.

The musical is about high school students in their 1950 s, a spoiler.....They graduate.They may not have a traditional graduation ceremony, but a graduation carnival.??), But when Danny and Sandy leave in their magic flying car (????), They have graduated with other students aged 59.There is a small problem when it comes to the sequel.That's not to say that swood has any chance of getting most of the original cast back.Not to worry.Co-Producer Alan Carr has reached an agreement with Paramount to shoot three sequels, all of which have a different cast of actors.Each film will portray a different Rydell High graduating class, which will eventually end in the Vietnamese era.The only rule was that the production of the sequel began within three years of the original film, and Carl came up with a lineup of actors that Paramount was satisfied.
Andy was chosen as the main character just because he had a contract with RSO.Andy may have never performed before, but he is a pop star with the top five hits in total.This is good enough for Paramount.
.The lawsuit has been settled and one of the provisions is that neither they nor their brother Andy will be forced to play any turkey in swood again.

.Once he's out of the cast, Paramount has nothing to pay attention.
Gibb was quickly replaced by Timothy Heaton, who has just won the Oscar for best supporting actor.This appeased Paramount until Carl, after seeing him in a show, decided to replace him with an unknown Broadway actor, Maxwell Caulfield.To placate Paramount, Carl and swood agreed that the heroine would be an important star.They grabbed Debbie Harry at first, but she finally decided she was too old to play high school.Auditions were held for female protagonists, with both Christie McNicol and Pat Benatar taking part.At the same time, Paramount himself tried to get the 59-year cast class back to guest.John Travolta and Olivia NewtonJohn rejected the offer, as did stokah Pennine and Jeff konaway.Only Didi Conn came back and was longer than the guest.The French will still be in Rydell, forced to repeat Grade 12 after dropping out of school to go to beauty school.Director Patricia Birch made two amazing decisions.One of them was the heroine of the then unknown actress Michelle fiver.The second is to fire Didi during the shooting.(The French are believed to have been completely removed from the film, but in the end Paramount forced Berch to keep the footage of the already filmed drops, causing the French to disappear halfway through the film.
Meanwhile, Brooklyn Tech High School has 82 years of classes including Robin Johnson, perhaps not a graduation carnival.She hasn't believed it for the past two years because she told her friends that she had been given to the then unknown Fiver and she also told them that movies and records have never been realized.
The exact reason why swood abandoned Robin is not clear.

After that, other films and records will also appear.

Throw the whole strategy out.The other is that swood wants to go back to Moyle.Usually, the way to do this is to use his power and influence to get Moyle blacklisted by all the other producers.But "you will never work in this town again!\ "This is not a punishment if the director resigns.So the best thing to do next is to take it out and show it to the actress he found.
Although the RSO project is no longer considered, Robin has never terminated the contract.Legally, she was unable to work as an artist and ended up working in the bank as a teller.Her contract will not expire until one year.By that time, Times Square had been in theaters for three years.Quotations from other producers have stopped.Instead of making Robin Johnson the next John Travolta, stegwood turned a Brooklyn Tech graduate into a bank teller.
Once the RSO contract has been terminated, Robin needs to start from scratch.Her new manager (assuming she has a new manager) came up with a strategy that seemed good.

( 1983 ).The purpose here is to get Robin's name in at least one of the most recent major studio versions of the cast.It's a small part and it's easy to show up on the floor of the cutting room in less than 4 minutes, not in the final edit.But three years later, Robin returned to the big screen for the first time.Ironically, the film was bombed.John Sears and Paramount dealers are divided on the final cuts.They want a happy ending and want different music on the soundtrack.(Music can be cheaper, probably ).

Sayers was able to keep his last cut.Paramount took retaliatory measures to withdraw funds from promotional activities, resulting in poor attendance.
The second stage of strategy is famous.

As a troubled teen character Darcy Decker.I didn't know this until recently when I did a bit of research for this article.This is where I was fascinated by her career.How so many different characters remember her.


May not have seen soap operas.Everyone misses her a lot, but few people see what she does.

Fans have fond memories of the character Darcy Decker, just as I have fond memories of Nikki Mallorca.


It's where most people remember her.
This strategy seems to work.

.Robin grabbed one on her way back.Or at least on prime-time television.

The tribute show is not as big as swood promised.But much better than he said.TV may make her a star.

It's Bruce Willis, a few months before Robin's episode.A few months later, he was an actor on the TV series Moonlight.

(1988) and other popular movies.TV could have made Robin the same success.

After months of cold ratings, it was not canceled.
To be fair, NBC has arranged the series for a period of time.

(A talking orangutan becomes an adviser to the president of the United States ).The show on NBC on Friday night was considered stupid and unplayable.

Managed to become popular.

.It was canceled two months later.
It is at this point that Robin has been missing for another three years.A mystery but a possible solution.

I contacted him in the chat room.I am asking various generic properties if they will be released on the home video soon.

When he insisted that Robin Johnson was in contact with global at the time.The so-called talent holding transactions.If this is true, then she will make the same agreement with RSO.For the next three years, she will only be on the global project.The difference is that even if she is not allowed to work around the world, she will be below her salary.They basically pay her not to work for someone else, so she is free to participate in any of the projects they provide to her.
Because I do not have the real name of this GM employee, nor can I verify what he claims he knows, nor even confirm that he is a long-term employee of Global, not just the bloggers they hired for the propaganda department, I'm going to list this as an Internet rumor.But a rumor can explain why she didn't show up on anything between 1985 and 1988.With one exception.

( 1985 ).Her scene may have been filmed before any general deal, but I doubt it.There was a strange thing about her cameo.She does not speak.Technically, the unspoken character will not violate any holding agreement.Hours later, Griffin Dunn and Amy Robinson made the film, again hinting at the connection between Robin and these producers.


fans.Darcy came back from prison, changed himself, and is now a drug consultant.During her short visit, she made corrections with the characters that crossed years ago.She is no longer a villain, nor does she advance any storyline.

The producer asked her to do so, or Robin himself asked her to do some extra work.I suspect the former.

Hope that one of their popular characters will return.Robin promised only a few weeks of work, and perhaps insisted on reforming Darcy.

The producer begged Robin to come back, and the fact is that this did not happen until 1988.
, Suggesting that something prevented her from performing at intervals.
Retirement (?
Robin's fans may wonder why a person so Smart gets stuck in the same production deal twice.After all, if she has a contract with global, it means they let her stop acting for the next three years.However, holding an agreement is exactly what a smart person will sign.As a freelancer, she could have spent many years looking for a job.

was long gone.From this point on, any character she gets needs to appear in the cast and compete with other actresses, even the smallest.It's not that Robin can't land and try to get back to the heroine, it's a struggle and there's no guarantee that there will be any results.A holding agreement will be employment and once under the control of a production company, the likelihood of them hiring her will increase.But they won't let Robin sit there and do nothing for the rest of her contract.Universal would have developed other programs for her and considered having her as a supporting role in other programs they are developing.Some of these projects may even have grown to the point where the pilot was filmed.The footage of Robin Johnson is possible, and neither her fans nor IMDb know.
So what is the possibility of her signing a third production agreement in 1988?
This is very good for an obscure actress who has not worked for many years.This proves her ability to find a job.She should be able to find something after that.

( 1988 ).As far as I can tell, Robin has never worked for the movie for a day, either as another guest, or in any deleted scene.

(1991) or any other film they make.

(1995), and can provide at least a little bit of Robin in each project.

Since 1980, he has not seen nor heard from Robin, and he himself is curious as to why she has not continued to make another film.Things stopped Robin from performing on the screen again.
She did not give up acting.

Under Robin's leadership

Get the best actress in the performance.She has not been a member of the drama group for many years, but may have explained the change in her manners by 1988.She is no longer interested in being classified as a strong Brooklyn girl but wants to be able to take on any role.Although she is not currently working in front of the camera, she continues to hone her acting skills.She did not give up becoming a celebrity.She got a job on the radio.Between 1994 and 2003, she is a traffic reporter for KFWBAM.At about the same time, she began to write poems and read them publicly often.
So why did she stop standing in front of the camera after 1988?It is always possible that she will not find a job at all.

She only needs to show a few small characters, an independent B-chart and a prime-time TV series, which was canceled a month later.The producer's enthusiasm for Robin will cease to exist.
?FOX was launched in 1986, and UPN and WB will be launched in the post-90 s.On cable, HBO and Showtime are starting to reinforce their original shows, as are TBS, TNT, FX, USA and many other cable channels.There are more opportunities to perform than ever before.It seems incredible that she won't find anything if she goes to find a job.Her work at the theater and on the radio proved that she had not given up her acting career.In the past, she was willing to play some roles in cheap independent films.If she is actively looking for a job in front of the camera, she should find something.
Go back to my own theory of holding transactions.She could have worked with global or transferred to any other production company.
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