die cast iron “organic gluten free garden pizza” - selfgrowth.com

by:Hanway     2019-08-14
Here is a delicious pizza with a nice thin and crispy crust that is worth dying.This pizza is really great, and even loyal pizza lovers will love it.This gluten free pizza does not contain any animal products, so it is very healthy and good for the body.This pizza is really fast. the skin can be made in advance and used after freezing.Pizza Crust Ingredients: 3-
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1/2 -Teaspoon of organic yellow glue
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Take a 17 inch cast iron pan or any other large pan with organic spray olive oil and spray the interior fully with organic olive oil.Now mix the rest of the ingredients together with enough water so the mixer can work --not too much.Then pour the batter into the pan and spray it evenly on the top of the batter with olive oil.Next, place the pan in a preheated 475 degree oven for 35 to 45 minutes, or until the case stops foaming or most of it stops foaming.Then remove from the oven and cool.When it cools, the shell becomes brittle.Ingredients: 4-
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(Optional) -The organic red pepper slice spoon on the organic tomato sauce, and then add the feather leaf on it.Then chop the remaining vegetables and put them on kale ...... Then add anything else you like.I like to add some slightly sweet chili sauce to my pizza, but add some vegan cheese whatever you like.Slice service-Compared with white rice, there are many health benefits of organic brown rice.Brown rice contains thiamine, nicotine, pyri dosin, vitamin K, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.Brown rice is rich in fiber, controls blood sugar and cholesterol, and has a good effect on ulcers and diarrhea.In addition, if a person is weak, brown rice is easily digested and contains nutrients needed for bones, muscles, nails, hair and tooth growth.Soaking brown rice in water for 30 minutes before cooking will make it easier to cook.Pressure cooking also retains more nutrients and shortens the cooking time to about 20 minutes to form fluffy brown rice.Now, many big box shops are shipping a large bag of organic brown rice at great prices.You can also find brown rice on it.Lots of queues such as bags of 25 and 50 lbs.Some supermarkets also have organic brown rice in bulk and the price is high.Health benefits of organic beans a cup contains up to 16 grams of total fiber and up to 7 grams of soluble fiber.This creates a 70% daily fiber intake for us to stay healthy and avoid heart attacks.In fact, a plant-based diet helps not only prevent heart attacks, but even those who have already eaten 1 or 2 times, or have had three heart attacks in the past and want to avoid another attack.When taking a whole-food plant diet, the angiography of people with blocked blood vessels completely reversed their cardiovascular disease --Amazing!Many studies have shown that animal protein intake is directly related to diabetes.A fiber-rich plant-based diet containing a large number of plant proteins, Plant steroids, and a large number of antioxidants (black beans contain more antioxidants than blueberries) choosing plant-based hypoglycemia foods can cure diabetes.The blood sugar index of pinto beans is almost 39 or 39%, while the blood sugar index of white wheat flour is 100, or 100%, which is not very good.The total amount of carbohydrates is three times the blood sugar index, which gives us the total blood sugar load.1/2 cup pinto beans contain 22 grams of carbohydrates, 39% times the blood sugar index = 9, which is a very low blood sugar load.So beans are great for those with diabetes who want to control their blood sugar, start transitioning to getting drugs from insulin and start using a whole-food plant diet.Studies have shown that those who eat fiber-rich foods have a much lower chance of developing cancer, especially colon and rectal cancer.Beans and beans are rich in fiber and antioxidants that help prevent and cure cancer.In fact, it has been shown in laboratory studies that cancer can be turned on and off just by changing diet.Cancer is activated by animal-based proteins, placed in neutral foods, and offset by a plant-based diet.Studies like the Chinese study show that people who eat a large amount of fiber-rich plant nutrition are much less likely to develop cancer than animal protein-rich diets.Animal proteins produce acidic reactions in the body, while plant diets and proteins produce alkaline reactions in the body.Acid can produce inflammation, inflammation can lead to disease, and sometimes the disease can be manifested as cancer.Therefore, eating a plant diet rich in plant steroids such as fiber and beans is essential for health.Enjoy this delicious pizza and the wife loves the crispy crust and I made this for her.Dr.Paul Haider -
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