crime cameras used for minor traffic offences - cctv camera case

by:Hanway     2019-09-10
crime cameras used for minor traffic offences  -  cctv camera case
After being caught in the movie double parking, the driver was fined £ 100, which caused illegal parking
By no turning or drivingentry signs.
On a residential street in Camden, north London, a CCTV camera has led to more than 2,500 tickets being issued since it was installed as part of a pilot project last year.
The victims included residents who stopped briefly to unload the goods.
The Camden pilot project will soon be rolled out in other boroughs of London and from 2008, parliaments across the country will receive similar powers.
The move came as the government began planning to install microchips on car number plates, which could result in all vehicles being electronically tracked in the future.
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