- cctv camera box

by:Hanway     2019-09-15
  -  cctv camera box
"Daily Mail" reporter update: 08: 42 on March 3, 2011, this is an amazing statistic, will certainly make the freedom movement feel chilling.
A study shows that every 32 citizens in the UK have an incredible CCTV camera.
Revelation 1.
In the 21 st century of Britain, 85 million cameras were watching our every move, confirming the alarming level of surveillance.
After a day when small drones are used to monitor the British, CCTV's research will certainly add fuel to the debate in the state where we have become a big brother.
The study involved police community support personnel counting each camera in Cheshire and inferring results across the country to provide a reliable estimate of the level of CCTV surveillance in the UK.
According to a study published in the CCTV Journal of images, officials counted 12,333 cameras in the area, most of them inside rather than facing public streets.
The study also found that most CCTV cameras in the UK may be privately owned, with only 504 of Cheshire cameras operating by public agencies.
Considering the urban and rural and transport networks, after inferring the results of Cheshire across the country, it is judged that the number of cameras is 1,853,681, enough for every 32 citizens in the UK to have a camera.
Despite the surge in CCTV cameras, police admit that one crime can be solved for every 1,000 cameras.
Deputy police chief Graeme Gerrard, head of the chief police officer Association CCTV, said that according to the map of the Cheshire CCTV system, the latest figure is, designed to "inject stricter data" into the UK's debate as a monitoring country ".
The widely quoted estimate is 4.
The 2 million cameras in the UK are based on 1.
He explained that 5 km road in a busy shopping district and inferred the whole of the UK.
The previous estimate was that "the average British person was photographed on a security camera about 300 times a day, based on the CCTV's popular fictional tour --spots.
However, he admitted: "The number of 1.
85 m is still an important figure for CCTV cameras.
I didn't say it for a minute, which doesn't mean we don't have a lot of cameras.
Gerrard confirmed he was surprised by other studies that showed the London Metro network had up to 11,000 cameras.
Gerrard wrote in CCTV's image: "Eight years after four years.
2 million this number was first published, and we now have research showing that this number is less than half the guess.
"We also know that unless you place special emphasis on visiting as many CCTV hotspots as you can, it is unlikely that you will be captured 300 times a day on CCTV.
He acknowledged that the latest figures are still being estimated, but said they show that the number of CCTV cameras in the UK is about one. 85 million.
"The real number of times ordinary people may be" ridiculed "on CCTV in a day is less than 70-
Most of them will show up at your workplace, or the cameras in the store will catch a glimpse of you briefly.
However, Isabella Sanki, the Freedom Movement's director of policy, said the figures did little to help ease concerns about UK surveillance.
"If a camera points to your living room, who cares if they have a camera or 10 cameras on the street?
She asked the Guardian.
The focus on CCTV is not a simple digital game;
What is needed is proper legal provisions and proper use.
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