cast aluminum vs cast iron How to Strip Cast Iron of Paint & Rust

by:Hanway     2019-08-27
cast aluminum vs cast iron How to Strip Cast Iron of Paint & Rust
Cast iron requires a layer of protection such as a coating of paint, polyurethane, wax, or oil to prevent moisture and moisture.Without this protection, the metal will soon rust.It is important to remove the old paint and rust layer before patching, so that the new protective layer can be applied immediately.Remove or cover any decoration that may be damaged by the chemical stripping tower.Brush a thick layer of stripping on cast iron with a paint brush or sponge.Wear rubber protective gloves, long sleeves, eye protection.Cover cast iron with a piece of plastic and wait for the specified time as recommended by the manufacturer.It's usually about 20 minutes.Scrape loose paint and rust with a brush;Wear protective equipment.Wipe the whole block with a clean white rag with mineral oil to remove all traces of the chemical stripping tower.If it is not the first time to remove all paint and rust, please repeat steps 2 to 5.If there are several layers of paint and rust, it may take a repeat application to remove all paint.Remove any decorative decoration or cover it with plastic or painter tape.Polish cast iron with medium-Polish with sandpaper or steel wool before paint and rust disappear.You can do this manually using a circular friction motion.Alternatively, use an electric sander with a grinding wheel attachment or a hand-held rotating tool to achieve a tight space.Wipe the dust from sanding with a damp white rag.Immediately apply a protective coating such as paint, paint, or oil to prevent rust.
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