access point enclosure How to Protect an HVAC Unit From Flood Water

by:Hanway     2019-08-27
access point enclosure How to Protect an HVAC Unit From Flood Water
Flood-Prone areas tend to be close to inflated rivers or Dykes, but your home may also be overwhelmed by something as common as a broken main line hidden under your street.You can support sandbags around the structure of the home, but the water can still invade the interior.A particularly fragile and expensive device that could be floodedThe damage is heating, ventilation and air-Air conditioning unit.This heavy equipment cannot be moved easily in case of emergency;Protection of HVAC units requires extensive planning and assistance from qualified contractors.A concrete base or footer is required for each HVAC unit as a stable support for heavy equipment.Most footers are either flush with the ground or a few inches higher.One way to protect HVAC equipment from flooding is to install a higher concrete base.According to local 100-According to local safety regulations, this year's flood water level can be several feet higher.The contractor needs to investigate the area to determine the most practical height of the foundation and pour the new concrete into the form.Most HVAC equipment is on the first floor, even in the basement.Removing the HVAC unit and reinstalling it to the second floor or loft space will completely protect it from flooding.However, the relocation of HVAC equipment will require the movement and redesign of plumbing works, drains and wires.Multiple contractors may be required to create a safe and practical HVAC designlevel floor.If you do not have any space to move the HVAC unit, you do have the option to choose the form of the building wall.The contractor can design a closed wall structure to surround the HVAC unit.This enclosure will prevent flooding from infiltrating into HVAC units;The contractor will need to evaluate the local 100-Determine the annual flood level of the best wall height.Other Wall considerations must also be evaluated, such as having enough space in the enclosure for repair, and access points that enter the space.Moving HVAC units to a safer location is an expensive job.The best way to timing mobile with cheaper sticker prices is to replace the HVAC unit with a new model.The new HVAC installation can be in the relocated area.In fact, if you buy an energy efficient HVAC model, you can get a discount from a utility.Overall, you will protect the HVAC unit while reducing your energy costs.
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